Three Best Types of Video to Build Your Brand Online
In a recent interview with Buzzfeed’s Chief Revenue Officer, Lee Brown AdWeek asked “What types of videos work best for branded content?” His answers are both insightful and actionable. Why should we listen to Buzzfeed? Because they generated over $100 million dollars last year in revenue. So here goes. Here is what he says works.
1.) Identity. The video connects with the viewer and says “This is so me.” Have you ever seen a post that you identified with? Then that’s a video built to connect with you because it makes you feel like someone understands.
2.) The Emotional Gift. This is a video Lee Brown says makes you laugh out loud and want to share with your friends and family.
3.) Informational. These are research-driven or how-to videos that give the user information they can use. These videos get attention. They can also help you build your brand by helping your target customers learn something that makes their life better.
There you have it. Thinking about producing a video for online attention? Craft it to meet one of these categories and it should deliver.