  1. “Many a small thing has been made large by the right type of advertising.” Mark Twain. Know who you want to reach. Know where to reach them. Use the words they use. Give them good reasons to connect with you. Understand your customer, why they buy, what they want and tell them how well you can meet their needs.
  2. “If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of business.” B.C. Forbes. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. You can’t achieve your marketing goals if you don’t measure. Put a goal and measurement for performance on every part of your campaign. Drive your campaign toward your goal.
  3. Advertising that generates results communicates clearly what’s in it for the consumer. Like Samuel Johnson says, “Promise, large promise, is the soul of advertisement.” Make a promise that makes people want to do business with you.
  4. “Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gough. Details matter. You have to know what is broken in your campaign to fix it. To have a successful ad campaign you need four things. A.) You need to reach the right audience. Make sure you are talking to your customer base. B.) You need a well-crafted message. Many a campaign has failed because the audience is clueless as to what is being advertised and what’s in it for them. C.) The right frequency. Make sure your ad agency or you understand the strengths and weakness of every medium. D.) Don’t pay too much. Most people run out of budget before they see results because they paid too much for the ads. A professional media buyer/ad agency can save you a ton of time and money.


Written by: Buddy Vaughn